April 9, 2010ELECTRONIC M.O.P CARD Standard Features
April 9, 2010
Model D10341-000
General Description•Standard Features•Specifications•Application Example•Dimensions/Connections
General Description
Model D10341-000 Electronic (Potentiometer) M.O.P. is an electronic replacement for a traditional motor operated potentiometer (M.O.P.) Through a combination of digital and analog circuits, Model D10341-000 provides a means to control a D.C. output voltage level via external contact closures for Increase, Decrease and Reset. The Electronic M.O.P. Card controls a 12 bit counter that counts clock pulses and increases, decreases, holds or resets the output voltage. The clock rate is adjustable to control the rate of change in output voltage. The 12 bit counter counts 4,096 clock pulses to transition from minimum to maximum output voltage. The output voltage can be controlled in the Unipolar or the Bipolar modes. Output ranges from 0.0 VDC to +10 VDC in Unipolar mode and from – 10 VDC and + 10 VDC in Bipolar mode.
The range of the analog output can be controlled by two sources: + 10 VDC fixed reference on the p.c. board. + External fixed or variable voltage from – 10 VDC to +10 VDC. A 12 bit Digital to Analog converter is provided. The converter, a four quadrant multiplying type, allows the circuit to ratio the reference input and provide a percentage of the reference as output. The output of the Digital to Analog converter is further modified by multiturn potentiometers for Offset, Gain, and Bias. A Summing input is provided to allow an external voltage to be summed directly with the output. A selection is supplied to change the polarity of the Summing input if desirable.
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*Note: Carotron has released a new Din-Rail mountable Electronic MOP Module (Model MOP250-000), which can be used for new or existing applications.
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General Description•Standard Features•Specifications•Application Example•Dimensions/Connections
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